Black as Midnight Coffee Roasters
This site is a work in progress. Sorry.
Who are we?
We are a tiny roaster in Baltimore City, MD. We roast coffee to order currently through word of mouth. We aren't big enough to fill the world's orders but will do our best. If you got to this site, more than likely it was from a friend or a friend of a friend which is how we'd like to keep it for now.
How do I order?
If you know, you know. For now we're just using this site as a placeholder and to show what we have available. I'd love to do ecommerce but it's expensive.
What is currently available?
updated 6/9/2023:
Congo Organic Kivu Kalehe: 3 avail
Molasses, fruity tobacco, black tea, clove oil bittering, dark cocoa, dried prune note.
Colombia Tolima Santa Rita: 6 avail
Panela sugar, juicy body, brown sugar, cinnamon streusel, dark fruit hints, retstrained malic acidity.
Tanzania Mbamba Namku: 3 avail
orange spice and cinnamon stick hints, candied citrus peel, raspberry black tea finish.
Sumatra Wet Process Ribang Gayo: 1 avail
snappy acidity, toasted sugar overtones, green apple, butternut squash cooked with brown sugar, sage-infused chocolate.
Ethiopia Buno Dambi Uddo: 6 avail
plum, blueberry, passion fruit florals, moderate acidity.
Mexico Chiapas Sierra Mariscal: 2 avail
molasses, dark cocoa, malted grain. I've read this is a well rounded cup of COFFEE coffee for people that don't want anything too wild.
El Salvador La Esperanza: 1 avail
raw sugar, almond, chocolate. mild acidity with dried apple note. Medium Dark (or your specification).
El Salvador Miravalle: 3 avail
cocoa roast flavor, brown sugar, dark chocolate, creamy nut tones. Inky body. Medium Dark (or your specification).
Papua New Guinea Kuta Waghi: 6 avail
torched sugar, toffee, hints of prune and citrus peel, tobacco, tannic tea, unsweetened baking chocolate. Medium Dark (or your specification).
Yemen Bani Haraz: 4 avail
bittersweet chocolate core, brazil nut, raw cacao. Notes of dried fig, pepitas, chocolate malted grains, brown ale, cooked pumpkin, earthy rhubarb, cola, incense. Dark (or your specification but do not recommend anything lighter).
Peru San Ignacio Decaf: 5 avail
hints of green tea, matcha, banana-nut bread, mild wheat bread hint, bittersweet cocoa.
Ethiopia Yebuna Terara Decaf: 1 avail
berry notes, bittersweet backing flavors, hints of stewed stone fruits, doughy rue, and rustic sweeteners.
1 bag: $8.00
2-5 bags: $14.00
6-8 bags: $19.00 please allow extra time to process this
local or pickup: FREE
Updated after being lazy for a bit. All bags are fixed price now. Hit us up. Thx.